Mar 1Liked by Neil Milton

Thoroughly enjoyed this - thanks!

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What a great post, Neil! Thank you. It needs to be read and re-read.

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A hugely generous and thorough look. Thank you for sharing this wisely and widely. So much to unpack. You have the makings of a book.

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A fascinating in-depth post Neil. Lots to think about and explore. Thank you very much for recommending my Substack too - it was a surprise and honour to be mentioned.

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This was long but I enjoyed reading it. I especially loved how you described the privacy and ethical issues surrounding street photography and I agree that at the end of the day, it all comes down to each person setting his own boundaries on what/whether/when to photograph.

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For very long, yet compelling articles I often skim first and reread later after developing a few thoughts of my own. I intend to look up the sources cited. I was pleased to know and appreciate some already, especially ‘Tender Photo’. Though not a street photographer, per se, I appreciate the effort and organization of this writing.

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It feels odd to not even mention Flickr. And UP is effectively what in-Public was before Turpin threw everyone out, which also seems significant. But otherwise, some good points made.

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